Treasures of the week!

Don't they just look yummy! The 'Sunny' range has a huge selection of  gorgeous colours -bred for a long shelf life and are stunning in the garden.

Osteospermum 'Sunny Sabrina'

 Osteospermum 'Sunny Bella'

Osteospermum 'Sunny Bianca'

 Osteospermum 'Sunny Becca'

Pelargonium 'Regal Red'

It has frilly foliage and remarkable red blooms with intricate markings. An old favourite that thrives in the landscape under harsh conditions. But that is pretty enough to be a prized pot plant.

Diascia 'Gent Bold Pink'
They are perfect as 'instant colour' for sunny spots or as a patio plant.

Sutera scopia 'Pink beauty'

It produces masses of pink flowers and simply exquisite in the garden

Spiloxene aquatica

Now we know where shooting stars go.This plant displays brilliant star-like white flowers which make it irresistible to ignore. 

Oxalis *Pink 

The plant is a very rewarding addition to any garden, with its dazzling pink flowers.


They are the definition of perfection. These flowers are heat tolerant and free flowering.They are ideal for containers!

Otseopermum 'Flower Power Orange Bronze'

Otseopermum 'Flower Power Double Purple'

Otseopermum 'Flower Power Red Purple'

Otseopermum 'Flower Power Shadow Red'
Otseopermum cooperi ameth

Otseopermum 'Sunny Felix'

Wow! It has eye-catching white flowers with a small, but distinct violet-blue eye.

Drosanthemum  floribundum

Four words: Beautiful, succulent, cushion-forming and prostrate.


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